Anarchism as a possible answer to the paradigm of Disability
The Dark Side of Medicine, Past and Present
Disabled people are a secondary minority group, forgotten and ignored
Epistemic Denial as a Negative Feedback Loop: The case of ME
Explaining ME through metaphors
Foucaultian Conceptions of ME/CFS
Ignoring and psychologising us kills us
Masking denial: the lure of agency and merit, through recovery stories, alternative medicine, and mind-body interpretations
Medicine has lost it’s scientific integrity
The Mind Body Paradigm, An inevitable pseudoscientific extension to Capitalism and Ableism
A misrepresented illness, More PEM, less Fatigue
My experience with Extremely Severe ME
Old wine in new bottles, “Functional” as a prejudiced euphemism for “Hysterical”
Psychological Illness: A concept built upon false assumptions?
Psychosomatics, Eugenics, and Facism: Psychosomatics in the early 20th century
Reasons to be Optimistic about ME Research
The Saphir-Whorf Hypothesis in ME: how words define our subjective experiences and perpetuate prejudice and misunderstanding
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